Monday, July 21, 2008

Crazy Dragon China Spider!

Today the head teacher was gone, so at the last minute I was asked to
take over her class. I had prepared... nothing, and didn't know their
class routine. Well... the day turned out to be rad. It all started as I
walked to school and saw a HUMONGOUS spider wrapping up a bee that had
got caught in it's web. So, I went to class (it was supposed to be
math time), told them what I saw, found a good container, and we all
went out and caught it!During lunch I went online and printed out a
bunch of pictures of different spiders, and then for science time, we
compared and contrasted the different spiders, learned their body parts, etc. We even named our little guy- Xiaohua (I think it means "Little ____" something). They were so excited about it all day, and were so
well-behaved because of that, I think. I've been encouraging the teachers to give the kids real-life experiences as much as possible (so much lecturing, very little hands-on or experiential learning taking place), so this was a fun opportunity to model that.


Holly Woolsey said...

How fun!!! I bet those kids loved it and the teacher will totally see their excitement when she comes back. Hopefully it will help her want to do more hands on things!

Alyssa said...

That's so awesome! What a fun lesson! I would love that!

ChrissyLee said...

WHATEVER!!! How come no one told me that you had a blog! (2 thumbs down!) well, now that you're coming home soon, i'm glad i can finally hear how you're doing!!! AND how come you never email me back?!?!?!

I'm glad you're having fun there and I'm excited to see you next week?!?! you are going to be back for the wedding right?!

Rich said...

Holly cow, you we're kidding that is a huge spider! Good work on catching it, do us a favor and don't bring it back to the states with you though...

Mary Jane said...

Hey Melissa,

this is Mary Jane Robinson(Smith) just wanted to say HELLO To you!!! I love that you are in China and doing well. I just was thinking about all the great memories we shared in HS- and what an awesome person you are. I hope your life is happy- and Hope Travis & his Family are doing well too.

Love ya,

Mary Jane

my blog address is if you ever want to check it out- I know I will be checking in on your life from now on- take care:)

Holly Woolsey said...

You ready to start blogging about your Uganda Adventures???